Malaya ; マラヤ ; 玛丽雅
Dive into the world of manga - Maraya
In a distant future where humanity has long pursued self-serving desires, disregarding divine warnings, the skies unleash a merciless retribution known as "The Calamity." With half of civilization vanquished, society fractures into male and female factions, each seeking autonomy. The male-dominated Zod kingdom engages in unrelenting conflict against the Halwatat realm, a misandrist society that vilifies men as harbingers of chaos and ruin. Maraya, a valiant warrior princess poised to ascend the throne of Halwatat, faces exile orchestrated by her rival, Deborah, stemming from a grievous misunderstanding. As Maraya grapples with her banishment, uncertainty shrouds her fate—will she be welcomed back into the fold of her kingdom, or will her journey unveil the enigmatic truth concealed within "The Calamity"?